Friday 25 November 2011

This is our mock up poster for our production package. The main charcter is pictured using a low angle camera shot. This is to give the appearance that he is superior to the audience, plus lets off a slightly intimidating feel to the viewer. We also placed the character in front of the title to give the same effect as the low angle shot gives. The names of the cast are at the bottom of the poster only, therefore showing the audience the actors and actresses of the film. The tagline is 'the nerds time to shine ' this is due to the fact they are usually sterotyped as being on the bottom of the social scale, therefore this gives a clue to our narrative. We masked the distribution companies in order to place them at the bottom of our poster, distribution companies are important as they may engage audiences that have seen previous films by these companies plus help us to identify the genre e.g Chicken Run by Pathe is also a comedy.

The title 'Who let the nerds out?' is a pun on the well known song 'Who let the dogs out?' by Baha Men. This is ironic as it is a song that the stereotype shown would not engage in listening to. As this is not commonly perceived as their type of music. The glow used is also very effective within our poster as usually 'nerds' are seen almost as invisible plus as social outcasts, in other words their presence is normally either ignored or ridiculed. However this glow highlights the character to show he is present and also to show he is a powerful character. The font used has been chosen very carefully. For the 'NERD' in the title we used a symmetrical and conservative font to represent the nerds, who are usually neat and tidy and dressed quite conservative, the tagline also uses this type of font to convey this idea to the audience. His facial expression is displaying anger, which again gives an insight into our narrative as it is anger and frustration which leads the nerds to start a revolution.

Monday 21 November 2011

This is a parody song which lists all the things that make the character 'nerdy'. he accepts that he is 'white and nerdy' and explains everything he does which brings other people to this conclusion.
This can help us because we can look at what is considered nerdy and add these aspects to our characters.

Trailer Ideas

At first we looked at the revenge of the Nerds trailer. We picked out key scene themes that relate to our film we then say how long these scenes lasted for and then wrote what will happen in the scenes of our own trailer

Revenge of the Nerds Trailer

00:00- 00:26 – Ironic Introduction – reference to other films
00:27-00:49 - Scenes of humiliation (14 different set ups)
00:50-01:10 – Nerd Fightback (11 set ups)
01:11 – 01:30 Victory (3 set ups)

Our Trailer Scene ideas

30 Secs - Nerds being humiliated
Nerd being tripped up
Push over
Laughed at
Nerd gets food thrown on their head
Nerd sitting alone getting laughed at
Opening a locker and having things fall out of it
Nerds work getting stomped on

15 Secs – 1st attempt to gain respect (chav’s hatching plan)
Nerd changing their style of clothing to fit the chavs
Nerds attempt to mug someone
Nerd tries to smoke and ends up choking- ends up having to use an asthma pump.
Group of nerds walking in slow motion. Then the Chav comes and trip/pushes them over.

5 Secs – Nerd discovery plan (overhear)
Chav spills the plan to nerds

15 Secs – Nerd fightback (humiliation of chavs)
Chavs being tripped up
Nerds put something in the chavs locker
Chav shouting NERDS!

10 Secs - Victory
Nerds cheering
Nerds doing a hi-five (but end up missing it)

Friday 18 November 2011

this music video contains ideas that we could incorporate into our film. the lay out of it is that there are five outcasts in a school and they join together to get revenge on the people who made them feel like outsiders

Monday 7 November 2011

These are our location shots for the chavs

we have decided to film at these locations because it looks run down which adds the 'living on the line' feel for the chavs and because makes a good location for our chav characters to hang out.