Friday 25 November 2011

This is our mock up poster for our production package. The main charcter is pictured using a low angle camera shot. This is to give the appearance that he is superior to the audience, plus lets off a slightly intimidating feel to the viewer. We also placed the character in front of the title to give the same effect as the low angle shot gives. The names of the cast are at the bottom of the poster only, therefore showing the audience the actors and actresses of the film. The tagline is 'the nerds time to shine ' this is due to the fact they are usually sterotyped as being on the bottom of the social scale, therefore this gives a clue to our narrative. We masked the distribution companies in order to place them at the bottom of our poster, distribution companies are important as they may engage audiences that have seen previous films by these companies plus help us to identify the genre e.g Chicken Run by Pathe is also a comedy.

The title 'Who let the nerds out?' is a pun on the well known song 'Who let the dogs out?' by Baha Men. This is ironic as it is a song that the stereotype shown would not engage in listening to. As this is not commonly perceived as their type of music. The glow used is also very effective within our poster as usually 'nerds' are seen almost as invisible plus as social outcasts, in other words their presence is normally either ignored or ridiculed. However this glow highlights the character to show he is present and also to show he is a powerful character. The font used has been chosen very carefully. For the 'NERD' in the title we used a symmetrical and conservative font to represent the nerds, who are usually neat and tidy and dressed quite conservative, the tagline also uses this type of font to convey this idea to the audience. His facial expression is displaying anger, which again gives an insight into our narrative as it is anger and frustration which leads the nerds to start a revolution.

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