Monday 27 February 2012

David Hawthorne: Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Construction and research:

Media technologies used:
—IMDB (research)
—Youtube (research)
—Garageband (construction)
—iMovie (construction)

How they where used

I used IMDB to look at films that where in the same genre as the one we where doing, this gave me a good insight into the way that other producers made similar products to the one that I had to make, and also pointed me in the direction of other films of the same genre that I could analyse and get ideas from.
Youtube was also used in research as we could watch clips from films and trailers, and as we where making a trailer we could look at the way that other directors and producers had pieced together their trailers to give away information to ‘hook in’ the audience but not give too much of the film away.
Garageband was a very useful tool in the construction of the product as it enabled us to create our own soundtrack. I created the soundtrack from scratch and could use effects such as pitch control to raise or lower the tone for a few seconds to imply something about the characters being shown at the same time.
iMovie was one of the most important pieces of technology that was used because it enabled us to edit what we had shot. We could also add special effects and title slates, as well as being able to turn our short clips into a trailer.

Planning and Evaluation

—Blogger (planning)
—Social networking, Facebook (planning)
—Prezi (Evaluation)
—Powerpoint (Evaluation)

How they where used

Blogger was the foundation to the portfolio. We where constantly able to add bits of useful information or things that we had found that could generate ideas towards the product. It came in useful in the planning stage as we where able to put up a timetable of when things where to be done and who was to do what in the group.
Facebook played a part in the planning as we where all able to contact each other via the messaging service that facebook provides, this meant that we could agree on meeting times and could discuss ideas when we were not in a group.
Prezi is a useful website that allows you to create a presentation that moves about the screen and is similar to a brainstorm whilst it gives the veiwer information. Though it is useful and would help in evaluating my work one of my Prezi’s crashed online and was not able to be recovered. However it did prove to be a very useful technology to use.
Powerpoint is perhaps the easiest way to display something you wish to present. It is easy to use and and has made it easier to evaluate my work as it is all easily presented.

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