Monday 27 February 2012

Rashida Dixon Evaluation Question 1- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Forms: Trailer

Genre: Comedy


Narrative:-We looked at the conventions of many comedy films, initially we looked at some British comedies such as Anvahood we then decided to look at more American Comedies about Nerds such as Revenge of The Nerds. Looking at these film trailers and many other helped us to enable some ideas for our trailer. As a result of watching these trailers we developed the concept of Nerds vs Chavs; the idea of the underdog trying to triumph over the “big dogs” seems to be very popular in many comedies about nerds. The audience in some shape or form are able to sympathy with the weaker characters characteristics and they also find joy in laughing at the misfortunes of the characters. We tried to make the idea of underdog versus the popular group by making the poplar group chavs, a group that society looks down on rather than aspire to be like. This creates more comedy.

We needed to make sure that we grabbed the audiences’ attention by giving hinting at the films narrative without giving too much away. Creating the trailer was difficult because generally the movie would already be produced so we would only need to choose clips that we believe would be relevant. However, we weren’t in this position so planning what we wanted to put in our trailers was very help.

Our trailer followed the same structure that Todorov suggested is found in many native structures; Equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium. Our trailers layout included showing a sense of equilibrium in the form of the nerds talking about their excitement of partaking in initiation, we then showed the disequilibrium by showing the nerds getting bullied by the chavs and then finally we hinting at the new equilibrium (solution) by asking open question that will leave the audience thinking about the potential solution to the film. We found this structure in all of the trailers we looked at. We found that leaving the ‘New equilibrium’ open to the audience own interpretation leaves the audience more interest in the film as they are constantly thinking about what going to happen in the end. This is what makes our trailer and others appealing. We did find that while creating the trailer for our A2 media this was the best narrative layout to follower as challenging it some problems.

Voice over:We used a voice over as we felt that in some way our material that we filmed wasn’t enough to communicate our ideas. We played with the idea of only using text within the trailer to do this however this wouldn’t have been very effective because it would have meant the audience wouldn’t have taken in the information in the same way.

Music: our music was quite up beat we found that in most comedies the music is quite upbeat normally with a strong drumbeat. In our audience feedback we found that our music wasn’t upbeat enough so we decided to add a more prominent drum beat. We used the idea from Reservoir dog walk scene to create comedic value to our film as the characters personalities contrast with the sense of seriousness the music creates.

Characters: We wanted to create characters that the audience can sympathize with. We decided that we would concentrate on the Nerds instead of the chavs. Through watching films like superbad we found out that having a ‘underdog’ was very common for these type of films which is why we decided that our trailer would focus on the idea of the weak fighting against the poor, similar to trailers such as the one for the revenge of the nerds.

Mise-en-scene: The clothing of the Nerd was very stereotypical. We kept the stereotypes because we believed that our audience which is a mainstream audience would be able to identify with the characters better from previous viewing experiences.

The Logo Of our film (see question 2)

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